Forklift operator practical test

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Alternative forklift practical test course

alternative practical test course for forklifts


When the conventional test course is in use the instructor/examiner will tell the trainees that are being tested to always reverse towards the chicane when withdrawing from any stacking position. This ensures that both left and right turns are included in the test. Many people believe that turning to the right in a confined space on a forklift truck is a little bit more difficult than turning to the left so it is important to include both sides.

The alternative test course which is shown here is used when there is insufficient space available to construct the conventional course.

As can be seen, all the loads are stacked on one side of the main aisleway only.

In order to ensure that both right and left hand ninety degree turns are still used the instructor/examiner will tell the trainees undergoing the test to sometimes reverse towards the chicane and sometimes reverse away fro it.

Note that its up to the instructor to tell the trainees what to do, one step at a time. The test is not meant to be a test of memory but a test of operating competence.

The actual test sequence remains the same as for the conventional test and so does the marking sheet which has been considerably revised for 2017 with some faults scoring more than they used to. Details of this new marking sheet can be found here.