Forklift Training Information

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Differences between iTRUK and traditional training methods

iTRUK Modern Training Method
Traditional Training Method
As you approach the load adjust the height and tilt of the forks and aim to be square and central to the load

Approach the load square on and central to the load and stop using the footbrake when the tips of the forks are close to the pallet. Apply the parking brake and place gears to neutral.

Slow down as the forks enter the pallet. As the heel of the forks touch the pallet, apply the footbrake and raise the load clear of the floor. Select reverse gear.

Adjust height and tilt of forks, select forward gear, release parking brake and inch forward until pallet touches heel of forks and stop with footbrake, apply the parking brake and place gears to neutral.

If way is clear, release footbrake and proceed to travel to the warehouse, applying adequate back tilt to secure the load.

Raise load clear of floor and apply adequate back tilt to secure the load.

Travel load leading down the relevant aisle, slow down on the approach to the racking station where load is to be deposited turn to face the stack, apply footbrake and commence adjusting the tilt and raising the load.

If way is clear select reverse gear, release parking brake and proceed to travel to the warehouse.

Check that the approach is square on and central to the station applying the footbrake and holding it depressed when load is in correct position.

Travel load leading down relevant aisle, slow down on the approach to the racking station where load is to be deposited and turn truck and load to face the racking station. Stop with footbrake, apply the parking brake and place gears to neutral.

Lower load onto racking beams. Check way is clear, select reverse, release footbrake and reverse clear of pallet. Stop, holding on footbrake, then lower forks to travel position. Travel to next task.

Adjust tilt until load is level and raise it to the required height. Select forward gear, release parking brake and inch forward until load is positioned accurately over racking beams.

This method is the one that is found in manufacturers’ handbooks and is also the way that they demonstrate their trucks

Stop, using footbrake, apply parking brake and place gears to neutral. Lower load onto racking beams and continue lowering until forks are free.


Check way is clear, select reverse gear, release parking brake and reverse straight back until forks can be lowered safely. Stop using footbrake, apply parking brake and place gears to neutral.


Lower forks to travel position and apply back tilt.

  If way is clear, select reverse gear, release parking brake and quickly turning the steering wheel journey to next task.

iTRUK practical test| iTRUK Introduction