The free offer is genuine. You can download a complete Powerpoint presentation for this course when you go through it and get to the last slide. A good idea would be to open a word processor document and copy and paste the dialogue for each slide as you go along. You can then easily modify the slides or the dialogue to suit your own purposes. I promise there is no catch except that you have to go through the complete course on here to get to the free download. Have fun ............
You may be wondering what a manual handling training course is doing on a website that is devoted to the training of forklift truck operators? When the 1992 manual handling regulations were introduced, many forklift training companies decided to conduct manual handling courses and we were no exception. At that time I was in charge of AES Training Services and I put together a course on manual handling techniques consisting of both theory and practical training along with associated risk assessment. I first conducted this course at Palethorpes in Market Drayton, Shropshire in early 1993.
Over the years the course has changed, been amended and updated and the end result is reproduced here. It consists of a series of slides dealing the following subjects:
Manual handling legislation
The working conditions
The manual handling task involved
The loads being handled
Employees and their duties
Description of manual handling injuries
Correct manual handling techniques
Manual handling risk assessment.
Without EU legislation it's doubtful if manual handling training courses would be in such demand in the UK and so the first part of this course deals with both EU and UK legislation and gives some background on how the 1992 manual handling regulations came into being. You can download a PDF copy of the 1992 Manual Handling Regulations here.
Please note that a large part of the Manual Handling Regulations requires risk assessments to be carried out and the Health and Safety Executive have produced MAC assessments to assist safety professionals. You can download a free copy of these in PDF form here. More about risk assessments later.
You can download a complete copy of this 80 slide Powerpoint presentation when you get to the last slide in this series. Please note there is no commentary on the downloaded slides but you are free to obtain that from going through this presentation. There is no copyright so please feel free to make any changes you like to the downloaded presentation. You can repay me by telling others about this website. Thank you.