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COVID-19 – hse Guidance on the training of lift truck operators

forklift training during corona pandemicThe Health and safety Executive have issued guidance relating to the training of forklift operators during the current COVID-19 pandemic. This is reproduced below.

Existing trained staff

Employers and lift truck operators use certificates of training as a record to demonstrate that training has taken place. Certificates of training will specify a date by which refresher training should be undertaken and HSE is aware that the corona virus pandemic may make it difficult for lift truck operators to renew/maintain their training certificates.

This may mean that they have a training certificate that has recently expired or is near to its expiry date and despite their best efforts they cannot access re qualification training.

Although certificates of training set an automatic time period for retraining in law there is no specific time period after which refresher training, or a formal assessment is required. If re qualification training cannot take place for reasons associated directly with corona virus, such as closure of training facilities, unavailability of trainers/assessors by complying with other government advice on isolation and social distancing, it may be reasonable and practicable to extend the validity of current certificates by up to 3 months.

Any employer or duty holder needing to utilise this extension period should be able to state clearly their reasons for delaying re qualification training and demonstrate steps they have taken to undertake the training if required.They should also be able to demonstrate that they are meeting their legal duty to monitor and supervise lift truck drivers to ensure that they continue to operate safely.

This guidance comes into effect for certificates expiring on or after 16th March 2020. HSE will review this matter over the coming months and will issue further statements as necessary.

Training of new staff

Where new workers are engaged.or existing workers have to change roles,for example in the role of Key Workers that support the businesses that are required to keep the country running in industries where rider-operated lift trucks may be operated. In all cases, to prevent accident and injury, the duty remains to ensure that staff are trained and competent to operate any industrial lift truck equipment, and this includes driver training and the employer must be able to demonstrate that the driver is trained and competent. As capacity to train people that are new to fork lift use may be limited HSE asks training providers to consider which of their activities are critical to supporting Key Workers and prioritise their work accordingly. Any training providers who are working with Key Workers should adjust their activities to follow Public Health England’s advice regarding good hygiene practices and separation distances, and if relevant accommodate any site-specific rules to manage the risk of COVID-19 infection.

You can download a copy of this statement in PDF form here

Disclaimer: he legislative information contained on this web site is my interpretation of the law based on many years in the health and safety business. A definitive interpretation can only be given by the courts. I will therefore not be held responsible for any accident/incident/prosecution arising as a consequence of anyone using any information obtained from this web site.

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